Monte Stella: a creation of a collaborative model of shared care

An environmental restoration and the creation of a collaborative model of shared care and enjoyment to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the creation of the Monte Stella Park


In 2020 we will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the creation of Monte Stella: a very important example of “extensive urban green” and an identity symbol of the City of Milan. The Town Hall 8 intends to celebrate the anniversary with various initiatives that will continue in the coming years, involving associations, committees, groups of citizens and the various interested realities, to create a shared protection model.

The aims of the project are various: from the environmental point of view, the primary purpose is to restore and secure the current micro-disruptions, redeveloping the semi-natural environments, with particular attention to the flora and fauna of the place; from a participatory point of view, instead, a long-term objective is set, which will see the birth and development of a collaborative spirit for care, protection and shared attendance of the park’s green spaces.

For the Monte Stella project, Non Riservato collaborates in the design phase, providing the master plan of all environmental restoration interventions, carried out by the member of the network Arch. Marco Sessa, of Atelier delle Verdure. Gallab, another member of the NR network, was also chosen to create the street furniture and flower boxes for planting the nursery with the Casa della Madre e del Fanciullo.

Non-Riservato manages the communication, both online and offline. Specifically, we created the coordinated image of the project and the website, we manage the social network pages, handle the press office and edit information material.



The project is made by Comune di Milano, Ambienteacqua Onlus, CAI Milano, Fondazione Ordine Architetti di Milano, Non Riservato e AIPIN;
with the contribution of Fondazione di Comunità di Milano.


To discover the program, visit the website:

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